You want to make the
world a better place
If you’re an artist, healer,
writer, musician or
scientist, you might be
hoping to reach thousands,
if not millions of people.
You want to make the
world a better place. This
shows up for some as
working to get as many
media placements as
possible to spread the
message. This can be
tiring and even distracting
from your purpose of
actually helping people.
I’ve revised my vision to be
helping a small corner of
the world, the people or
tribe I’m meant to help that
I can help the most. It
might be only hundreds of
people and this is okay. If I
kill myself overworking and
striving in the process, I
If you’re an artist, healer,
writer, musician or
scientist, you might be
hoping to reach thousands,
if not millions of people
won’t be around to fulfill my
3. I’ve learned that it’s not
about me. Giving birth to
a project or book can
feel like such a personal
thing. The thing is that
Giving birth to a project
or book can feel like
such a personal thing
we’re all an aspect of the
universe. The universe
needs us to do its work.
We’re just willing
channels for healing,
writing, music, art, ideas
and inspiration. It
doesn’t really belong to
us personally. It belongs
to everyone. Once we release the
work into the world, it will take on
its own shape and do what it’s
meant to do. We might not have
control over the process at all. If
you’re working for the higher good
of all, things will feel natural. If
you’re working for your own ego’s
gratification, it might not ever feel
like enough. You’ll push yourself to
achieve, do more and be more. It
becomes about the numbers, not
helping people. I myself took on
others’ definitions of success for a
short time, which is not like me as
one who is prone to questioning
societal definitions and norms. I’m
learning to be okay with how my
definition of success is much
different from corporate America’s
and some in society. My definition
includes life balance, happiness
and inner peace. These are more
important to me than media
placements, my book sales, my
social media numbers or becoming
4. I’ve learned that it’s so important to
remember who you are when
you’re working so hard on a goal
or project. If you don’t know and
honor your values, you’ll get
sidetracked. It is all too easy to be
pulled in a million directions, but a
bit more challenging to stay true to
yourself. I myself noticed the areas
I wasn’t being authentic and I’m
taking small steps to correct this in
my personal life and in my
business. I’m already feeling
What about you? Have you ever
worked hard to make a dream come
true and then, felt disappointed?
Have you ever sacrificed your true
self to work on a goal? How did it
make you feel? I’d love to hear about
your experiences. By sharing, I think
it helps others to not feel so alone.
We’re in this journey together.