- At first, you will probably feel selfish, guilty or embarrassed when you set a boundary, but you can’t establish a clear boundary successfully if you send a mixed message by apologizing afterward. - When you set boundaries, you might be tested (especially by those accustomed to controlling you, abusing you or manipulating you). Stay strong. Be Happy and CONFIDENT Learning to set healthy boundaries takes time. It is a process. After awhile, it will be second nature. In fact, people will “feel” your confident assertiveness and soon you will rarely be “tested.” It’s just an energy you give off: woman energy! BAM! Warmly, Eliminate toxic people from your life. It may feel mean or unkind, but your health depends on the quality of the relationships you have. Bad attention is not better than no attention at all. Don’t play with bullies - even if they’re family members. Showing them that you won’t allow them in your life if they want to create problems for you, will help them to become better people. Crystal @crystalandrus