You can swallow your feelings, move on and work on having “just a Either way, the one thing you should do is actively friendship” with this guy or you can harbor your feelings and hope take him up on his offer of friendship in spite of your that the future will see your friendship turn romantic. deeper feelings. By becoming his friend you get the opportunity to let him see a new side of you and you get to see a new side of him. In getting closer you may even fall into a relationship. Of course, the opposite is also true. As you get to know him better your crush, which is built on a fantasy not a reality, may disappear and you may lose interest in him. There are no guarantees that your feelings will stay the same through your burgeoning friendship. There are also no guarantees that his current feelings will change into love. After you become friends you may end up exactly where you are right now, in a one-sided love affair. At this point in time, Take heart, not all is not lost! Friendship is always a good place to start. Right now he only knows a “one dimensional” you, as your friendship Work from the premise progresses he will that he really come to see your wants H