You’ll be more tired, less active and lack the energy you need to make things happen, on a small or large scale Don’t put this off until tomorrow or next week. Make the choice to live, today. Not just for your family and friends, but for yourself. “ Once you complete the 30 day Campaign, feel free to come back here for private consultations on nutrition, exercise routines and meal plans or just join a gym, Boot Camp or anything else that keeps you engaged All of those convoluted diets, exercise programs and fitness fads are doing some good, for a select few. The majority of the population is just getting tired. The Eat Less Move More Campaign is an attempt at calibrating your mind. If you can follow the campaign as close as possible to my recommendations, I believe, that over time you will develop a stronger will to take hold of your health. “ Young or old, we all need to take the proper steps to improvement, body, mind, soul. It starts with our head and flows down. If we are to make the world a better place, we need to begin the change from within. How successful can one be without being in good health? We need to be available to be used by Gd to do great things for the kingdom: the place where everyone is welcome to help out their fellow man, live their dreams and make a difference. If you are living through a disease process that has stunted your growth, how can that be possible? Over the next 30 days, I am asking you to stand with me and make a change in your life. Whether with me or the next guy/gal, just do something. The time is now! Now that you’ve heard my pep talk, what are you waiting for? Get moving! @cosbykid_fatdoc