Published By : InfoPOWER Communications 7446 Rosanna Street / Gilroy , CA 95020
Telephone : 408.848.6540 Email : jchris @ gilroytoday . com
COPYWRITING Larry & J . Chris Mickartz Kelly Barbazette Elizabeth Barrett Stephanie Vegh Sam Bozzo Mel Rodinsky Laura Wrede Robin Shepherd
PHOTOGRAPHY Larry J . Mickartz
PROOFING Susan Patereau Kelly Barbazette
CONTRIBUTORS Aging Dorie U . Sugay Finance Jeffrey M . Orth , ChFC , CASL Insurance David Villar The Kids Corner Go Kids Inc . Real Estate Marta Dinsmore The Law Scott van Keulen Gardening Garden Accents Secondary Education Gavilan College Tourism Jane Howard Dentistry Jernell Escobar DDS
DISTRIBUTION Edgar Zaldana / Glenita Gordon
ADVERTISING ads @ gilroytoday . com
COMMUNITY EVENTS & INFORMATION Submit for free inclusion , space permitting .
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From the Editor
Time . We are always wondering where it went , hoping we can find more of it , enjoy spending it with those we love and using it up doing the things we enjoy . As it flies by , I often find myself reflecting on it ’ s speed and illusiveness . I must admit , now that we have two magazines , there is never enough of it . I take
J . Chris Mickartz solace in the fact that I ’ m doing something I enjoy and the people I meet and get to know make my job not only gratifying but fun .
Although Gilroy and Morgan Hill are different in many ways , they also have much in common . Their is a common love of community , a can do attitude . People take the time to get involved , to give when needed — to make a difference . With this past month ’ s awards ceremonies , Celebrate Morgan Hill and the Spice of Life Awards , it is evident that both communities are rich in giving individuals and have much to be proud of . I want to again thank both the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce for honoring the people who make both communities strong and the special places that they are .
Mike Wasserman spoke at our Rotary Club meeting a few weeks ago . I must admit I had not had the opportunity to hear much about the county and how some of the decisions made at the County Supervisor ’ s office can impact our quality of life here in South County . Some of the numbers and figures he shared were a little scary . I encourage you to go on the county website and read his State of the County address www . sccgov . org / sites / opa / newsroom / StateoftheCountyAddresses / Pages / State-of-the- County-Address-2014 . aspx . You can get to know a little about the man on page 40 .
What an amazing story of triumph and true grit ? I ’ m talking about our feature on Malcolm MacPhail . I knew Malcolm before he was diagnosed with Leukemia and went through the bone marrow process . He ’ s a phenomenal man with a huge heart and love of people . His love of life and God have been an inspiration to us all . See page 50 .
Larry and I love , love , love wine . It ’ s our thing . We enjoy visiting wineries , attending wine functions , giving and receiving wine as gifts . You get the picture . So , we wanted to share just how amazing this area is for wine with our readers . I ’ m sure most of you are aware of all the options for fun and entertainment afforded us by our local wineries , but just in case you ’ re wondering , we visited some of them ( tough job but someone had to do it ) and gave you a little info for your next excursion into our very own wine country . Pages 26-32 .
All for now . Enjoy !!!!
On a personal note :
Our little grandson , Maddox Hunter Lee , was the ring bearer in his Auntie Olivia and new Uncle Gilbert ’ s wedding on February 16th in Sacramento . He was so cute that he nearly upstaged the bride . There were a lot of young ladies more than willing to “ accept this rose .” Juan Pablo on the “ The Bachelor ” has nothing on this little guy . We all felt that the show should maybe book him now for the 2040 season .
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