Photo courtesy of Gilroy Museum
First cost estimates were around $ 50,000 to build a hospital with 25 rooms plus a ward . The first site considered was located at Third and Church Streets where the old grammar school was about to be torn down .
Despite those early meetings and planning sessions , Gilroy didn ’ t get its first public hospital until July 1929 . The attractive , Mediterranean-style structure , which still stands on Fifth Street between Carmel and Princevalle Streets , was built by community subscriptions and large matching donations from well-known local seed grower , Linwood Wheeler , for whom the hospital was named .
A philanthropist , Wheeler had
A stay in one of the 24 private and purchased the A . J . Pieters Seed Company semi-private rooms , many with full of Hollister in 1910 , renaming it the private baths , would cost $ 3 per day . Pieters-Wheeler Seed Company and Room features included an electric relocating the enterprise to Gilroy . nurse call button and a radio with earphones , considered innovative and the
In August 1926 a major hospital subscription drive finally went into first of their kind in the state . effect , spurred by a $ 25,000 donation Wheeler Hospital ’ s grand opening from Mr . and Mrs . Wheeler . By early was held on July 27 , 1929 . The 1928 , the rush was on . “ You might be Chamber of Commerce held a barbecue the first one to need such an institution on the hospital ’ s front lawn . Speeches , a as one can never tell these days when street dance and public tours inside the they will be stricken or knocked over new building completed the festivities . by an auto ,” an editorial admonished its A radio reporter came down from San readers . It took two years to amass the Jose to broadcast the commemoration . upgraded cost estimate of $ 100,000 to “ It will be the most complete hospital start construction , with William Radtke of its size in the state and will be a hired as the contractor . valuable addition to our growing city ,” Various sites were considered for the local newspaper noted . the structure , meant to occupy a quiet , Wheeler Hospital served the residential part of town . An orchard community for 30 years . By the late between Fourth and Fifth Streets outside the city limits , a ranch on Bodfish The hospital ’ s once private and semi-
1950s , Gilroy ’ s population had tripled .
Road , a site west of the Catholic
private rooms were often forced to hold Church , and a business block at the a third bed to accommodate patient corner of Sixth and Eigleberry Streets overloads . Nurses had to work in overly were considered before the committee crowded conditions , especially when chose the new hospital ’ s Fifth Street moving medical equipment about . location . By then , the pace to finish the Once again , Gilroy citizens rose to last of the funding had the community the challenge . After another community fired up to reach its goal . fund drive , a new 35-bed Wheeler
During the final two years of the Hospital , located behind the original but fund drive , in preparation for designing facing Sixth Street , was completed and the most up-to-date hospital to suit dedicated on May 5 , 1962 . Gilroy ’ s needs , a committee of citizens Today , Gilroy ’ s original 1929 Wheeler and local physicians traveled around Hospital building is listed on the the state . In all , over 25 hospitals of National Register of Historic Places . varying sizes were visited .
The quietly elegant Mediterranean
When ready , William H . Weeks , style building still sits in a peaceful architect of many of Gilroy ’ s prominent neighborhood , surrounded by an buildings , was hired to design the new expansive lawn and mature shade trees . hospital . The two-winged structure , And even now , older Gilroyans still at 10,144 square feet , held major and harbor fond memories of babies born minor surgery units , an emergency and surgeries performed at the cozy room , a maternity ward and nursery , structure where , in another day and and a two-story central section with time , they were sure to run into friends offices on the main floor and nurses ’ and neighbors , perhaps as close as a bed quarters upstairs . in the next room .
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