At Last , a Hospital for Gilroy
By Elizabeth Barrett
G I L R O Y T O D A Y S U M M E R 2 0 1 3
Gilroy ’ s first hospital , founded by Dr . Jonas Clark , was a privately operated facility , established in 1898 in an office building at Monterey and Fifth Streets . In 1904 it was moved to a larger space once housing Miss Severance ’ s Academy , located on Railroad Street . A nurse ’ s training school was established , headed by Marie Clark , Dr . Jonas ’ s daughter . For its era , the private hospital was widely regarded as providing up-to-date medical services for the small community .
Although Gilroy ’ s private hospital could handle routine emergencies such as maternity cases , appendectomies , gunshot wounds and fractures , more severe injuries and major surgeries had to be transported all the way to San Jose for treatment in a better-equipped major hospital .
When his son , Dr . John Clark , purchased the building for a family home , Dr . Jonas closed down his private hospital , and once more South County residents were forced to look to San Jose for medical needs beyond a local office visit or at-home delivery .
The Gilroy Chamber of Commerce first introduced residents to the idea of funding a public hospital in April 1922 . A committee was formed to begin a subscription campaign .