Things to Do with Your Kids This Summer
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855 Moro Drive , Gilroy www . gokids . org
1 . Spend a fun-filled day at Gilroy Gardens 2 . Meet up with friends at Christmas Hill Park 3 . Swim at the Aquatics Center at Christopher High School •• 4 . Play with bubbles in the backyard 5 . Go on a Progressive Playground Scavenger Hunt 6 . Go on a trail walk from the Sports Park through Christmas Hill Park . 7 . Eat at Black Bear Diner on Teddy Bear Tuesdays 8 . Audition for new John Bisceglie play “ Color My World ”•• 9 . Create Your Own Yogart Masterpiece at the YoghArt Shop on First Street 10 . Surprise a friend by decorating their driveway with chalk while they aren ’ t home 11 . Make ( and eat ) homemade popsicles 12 . Go to a Fun-n-Fit Summer camp at USA Sports •• 13 . Fly a kite 14 . Take a road trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium 15 . Set up and run through the sprinkler 16 . Take a family bike ride at a new location 17 . Play a game of baseball at one of Gilroy ’ s many parks 18 . Have a water balloon fight with another family 19 . Visit the Downtown Farmer ’ s Market — help mom / dad make dinner with fresh market produce 20 . Find some new books and videos at the Gilroy Library 21 . Plant flowers in outdoor containers and deliver them to friends 22 . Sign up for the “ Kids Love Soccer ” program •• 23 . Go for an ice cream at Fifth Street Coffee shop downtown 24 . Have a nighttime photo shoot with sparklers 25 . Get a summer pass and learn to play golf at Gilroy Golf Course Driving Range •• 26 . Have a shadow dance party in your driveway ( wait until after dark , shine your headlights on the garage door , turn up your family ’ s favorite tunes and make your shadows dance on the garage door ) 27 . Visit LJB Farms for some fresh produce and a walk back in time . 28 . Have a fun and noisy dinner at Chunk E . Cheese 29 . Cut watermelons in half and let the kids go at them with or without spoons 30 . Find a local food truck and have lunch 31 . Participate in the 5th Annual Kids Triathlon on July 13 , 2013 •• 32 . Pick your favorite park and perform a mini-service project by cleaning up any trash you see 33 . Find a park you haven ’ t been to and visit it 34 . Have lunch or dinner at Station 55 in Downtown Gilroy 35 . Sign up for the Lil Sportster Program ( introduces 3-4 year olds to sports ) •• 36 . Swim , swim , swim at the Gilroy High School Pool •• 37 . Get an ice cream at Baskin Robbins next to Nob Hill / Raley ’ s 38 . Get mom / dad to go with you on a Swan / Duck boat ride at Gilroy Gardens 39 . Go on a day trip to the Santa Cruz Boadwalk 40 . Participate in a day camp at Las Animas Veterans Park and Gilroy Gardens •• 41 . Download pictures to color from the Internet 42 . Paint the house / driveway with water 43 . Wash the family vehicles and don ’ t worry if everyone ends up soaked ( adults included ) 44 . Take a LEGO FUNgineering Camp and learn a little about engineering •• 45 . Camp out in the backyard ( or in your living room ) 46 . Play catch or soccer in the backyard 47 . Go to the movies and see The Croods or Epic 48 . Take a ride over Hecker Pass to Gizdich Farms for a great piece of pie 49 . Learn how to play a keyboard at The Music Academy Studios on Church Street •• 50 . Enjoy Gilroy ’ s beautiful summer weather !!!!
•• For more information , see the Summer 2013 Gilroy Recreation Department Activity Guide available on line at www . cityofgilroy . org .
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