Manly Accents
What a wonderful setting of John Deere plates ! Tractors never go out of style . Certainly brings out the farmer in every guy . And how about using different beer steins at each place setting ? My Dad has a great collections of steins from around the world . He loves sharing his “ collecting ” stories with our guests and they bring back special travel memories for him as well . And serve some great
beer of course , always a crowd pleaser !
Another fun thing to share with Dad is some special stuff that reflects some of his hobbies . I have a funky collection of vintage Avon cologne bottles . The ones I used for this table are all sports related . My Dad is an avid sports fan , so using these old bottles again stirred up some great memories of days gone by and special times shared with family and
friends . And my mom used to be an Avon lady so she really got a kick out of these old bottles !
Also , putting out old photos of you and your dad is a great way to bring back special thoughts of special times . Maybe you even have some pics of your dad with his father ? When I bring these out I always hear new stories about my Dad ’ s younger days . Very special indeed .
Manly Accents
Flowers shouldn ’ t just be a Mother ’ s Day thing , Dads like them too ! My dad ’ s favorites are these beautiful snowballs , sort of like a hydrangea I think . He grew these prolifically in our backyard when I was a kid . So when I found some at a local farmer ’ s market I was so excited to get them and use them on my Father ’ s Day table ! And my Dad was touched by my remembering such a special thing to him .
I love using colorful cloth napkins any time of the year . They always add a little extra special touch to any table , and are way better for that manly dinner you ’ re sure to be fixing ! And to be really clever , fold them to look like a man ’ s necktie . Another way to add that “ Dad ” element to your table decor ! So easy to do , just google “ folding your napkins to look like a tie ,” and you ’ re good to go .
All anyone really wants is to visit , be comfortable and have fun . Good food , drink and fellowship , a good recipe for a successful party . By using some great vintage pieces , not only are you evoking some cherished memories , you are creating some new ones , and your Dad will certainly be very happy !
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