Birds of Gilroy
Photos and description courtesy of Teri Freedman
BELOW : A juvenile red-tailed hawk with his dinner
Juvenile red-tailed hawk with his dinner .
INSET BIRDS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM : White-Breasted Nuthatch ( Uvas ), Song Sparrow , Northern Mocking Bird ( Uvas ), Golden Crowned Sparrow ( Uvas ), Male American Robin ( Mantelli Drive ), Male House Finch ( Uvas ). All the photos were taken around Gilroy and most of them were taken in Uvas Creek . The background photo is of Western Scrub Jay was also taken in Uvas Creek . It is the most common blue jay in Gilroy . The rounded , crestless head immediately sets it apart from Blue Jays and Steller ’ s Jays . See more birds and the complete descriptions at gilroytoday . com .