Another avid hiker is Karen Pogue . Karen hikes three times a week and also manages to lead the monthly tours at Gilroy Hot Springs . Karen is retired but worked for the City of Gilroy in engineering and administration for twenty-seven years . Her love of hiking was born about thirty years ago when she joined the “ Gilroy Outing Club .” Today several member of that club , as well as Karen , sill hike in
peak can be treacherous and vehicles over 25 feet are not recommended . There is a park telescope on top and many local astronomers congregate there on clear evenings .
Karen says that when she just wants to get in some exercise and needs to stay close to home , the 2.5 mile cross-country course at Gavilan College is the perfect solution and an invigorating hike . Entrance : Go to Gavilan College south several options to get to the trail from the lake . Entrance information noted earlier .
At Calero County Park , Karen likes the Javelina Loop , just a great mild hike . Entrance : West of Highway 101 Bailey to McKean to the entrance of Calero Park .
Up the hill to Mount Madonna , another of Karen ’ s “ faves ” is the Bay View Trail for some spectacular views down towards Watsonville and a variety of different environments . There are several options back to the entrance or rangers station but Karen prefers the Blue Springs Trail . Entrance : Highway 152 West with the trailhead on the left side of the road near the entrance .
Notable is the Rancho Cañada del
Oro near Calero . Karen really likes the Mayfair Ranch Trail and if you have the time and energy she agrees with Ron that the Bald Peaks Trail is well worth the effort . Entrance : West of Highway 101 Bailey to McKean to Casa Loma Road .
If you want an easy start and something unusual and local , wonder over to Uvas Canyon County Park for some spectacular waterfalls this time of year . The Waterfall Loop is only about a mile but offers some wild and wet adventures . This lushly wooded park of 1,133 acres , is on the eastern side of the Santa Cruz Mountains . This mountain park offers hiking , camping and picnicking opportunities . Entrance : Uvas Road to Croy Road west to the park entrance .
Photo of Uvas Canyon Courtesy of Karen Pogue
and around Gilroy . Some of Karen ’ s “ faves ” not mentioned by Ron are :
Fremont Peek State Park , located just outside of Hollister , offers some 360-degree views and spectacular star watching and is only 15 miles from Gilroy . Fremont Peak State Park is only 159 acres . The road up to the 3,169-foot entrance and park near the football field . Walk the track to the southwest for the trailhead . Go left for a steep hill climb ; go right for a more gradual climb .
The Calaveras Trail in Coyote Lake – Harvey Bear Ranch is a great wild flower adventure in the spring . The trail runs parallel to the lake and there are
Some helpful resources :
• Santa Clara County Parks , Hiking
• Pine Ridge Association , Henry W . Coe Park
• State of California Parks Henry W . Coe Fremont Peak Pacheco
• Pinnacles National Park
Check out our website , gilroytoday . com for more photos and website links .
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