In this article, I share tips on how to build
synergy relations with people. I begin with You already know that everyone is important, but
‘Who’ to find synergy with, then I get to the not everyone is mission-critical. Synergy is not a
how to do it part. The tips that I share in this reckless willy-nilly partnership. It is a carefully
post are simple but practical hacks that I
have successfully used over the past few
years so I do not doubt their effectiveness.
Try them out and watch your synergy
dividend accumulate.
planned out strategic process that aims to
establish a win-win relationship to scale the
individual outcomes of each of the synergy actors.
You cannot enter a synergy relationship without
making all the necessary considerations about
goals, environment and the synergy actors’
capabilities. To people who think plain and
obvious, their target partners are usually bigger.
That can be a good starting point; jumping onto
"There are many ways to find synergy, but
the economies of scale bandwagon. However, this
is not always the smartest nor is it the most
you have to always think of mission. The effective. Size is but one of the factors. Synergy is
mission will direct you to the right people, effective if the ‘why’ part of is clear for both ends
with the right pitch that delivers the right
win-win proposition."
and both partners act in good faith to ensure that
the win-win is achieved. As I said, synergy is
mission-critical, the actors must have similar
missions or their missions must find convergence
somewhere if true synergy will be achieved. To
understand how to identify synergy partners,
research on why powerful blue-chip companies
buy small businesses and start-ups.