Gibson Grant Style Volume 4 | Page 17

People want to feel connected on some level with whomever they are doing business with. Get to know your connection on a first name basis. Not just, Suzie from Google. You should learn about Suzie on a personal but appropriate level and find out what Suzie’s interested in. Perhaps she loves volunteering for a non-profit on the weekends? Genuinely get to know Suzie.

Tip #3- Make sure your image is on point

People like to connect with others they feel comfortable with. We all know first impressions and image is very important in making the right impression and therefore the right connection.

You don’t have to be superstar glam to make a great impression but do make sure you are tidy, neat and well groomed.

Manners count here as well! Also provide a welcoming smile with a confident but not overly aggressive handshake. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shaken the hand of a woman and it felt like a dead fish! Seriously?! Why would I want to possibly work with someone with an impression of no confidence? Your eye contact, smile and handshake when meeting someone (in addition to physical appearance) are one of the first things noticed.

Tip #4- Don’t be afraid to network alone

I know for a lot of us introverts the thought of being in a room full of people is completely exhausting! Nevertheless, we all realize networking is an important part of business and something we must get used to doing.