Grapevine Citizens Fire Academy Alumni
Volunteer hours are compiled by functional area : Administration , Operations , Prevention and CFA Planning and Support .
From October 1 , 2015 through September 30 , 2016 , the GCFAA provided 2066 hours in support of GFD . An additional 537 hours were compiled for GCFAA administrative functions , for a total of 2603 volunteer hours . During this time , CFA responded to 69 requests for manpower . Major support requests included a filing project for Admin , Open House , and the annual Pancakes with Santa Breakfast .
A breakdown of the hours volunteered by the GCFAA are as follows .
Support of General Administration |
1,094 |
Support of Fire Prevention |
402 |
Support of Operations |
570 |
CFA Planning and Support |
537 |
Total Hours Volunteered |
2,603 |
Annual Report 2016 Page 17 of 18