Emergency Management
The Office of Emergency Management ( OEM ) coordinates with city departments , the private sector , and community stakeholders to mitigate , prepare for , respond to , and recover from the threats and hazards presenting the greatest risk . These threats and hazards can include natural disasters , disease pandemics , chemical spills , and other manmade emergencies . Activities and programs of the Office of Emergency Management are organized into the following areas :
Mitigation – Activities that change the nature of a threat , decrease vulnerability , or reduce exposure to disaster impacts . Mitigation activities can occur throughout the disaster cycle and can be structural or non-structural in nature . Preparedness – Actions taken before an emergency to plan , organize , equip , train , and exercise to build response capabilities . Preparedness activities take place within the city and throughout the community . Response – Actions that are taken during or immediately after a disaster occurs . Response actions include mobilization of emergency services , first responder activities , and activation of the Emergency Operations Center when necessary . Recovery – Activities that continue beyond the initial emergency response . Recovery focuses on restoring critical community functions to normal and managing reconstruction . Rebuilding efforts can also include mitigation practices to reduce risk for the future .
In 2016 , emergency management staff coordinated community preparedness activities , maintained the outdoor warning sirens , conducted festival and event safety planning , disseminated CodeRed emergency alerts , initiated interdepartmental planning efforts , and sustained regional partnerships to enhance Grapevine ’ s ability to respond and recover from disaster . Additionally in 2016 , the Emergency Management Coordinator and Emergency Management Intern positions were filled to ensure continued dedication to the city ’ s emergency management efforts .
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