Getting The Most From Google - A Guide For Small Business Owners Getting The Most From Twitter | Page 13

The Commonwealth Bank used keywords targeting such as # CWC15 , “ cricket ”, and “ my kids ” to reach cricketing fans , parents and caregivers across Australia . It also used username targeting such as @ CricketAus to reach followers of Australian cricket groups and forums . Interest targeting was ranging very broad and aimed at all sports , entertainment , and charity enthusiasts across Australia . The tweets from the bank featured photos of celebrities pulling silly selfie faces to generate interest and increase the engagement . + More than $ 240,000 raised for Clown Doctors Australia + 4,461 photos received on Twitter + Promoted Trend achieved 2.92 million impressions + 12 % increase in positive brand sentiment + 8 % decrease in negative brand sentiment

Famish ’ d

Famish ’ d is a very successful salad bar in Melbourne , serving soups , gourmet salads and spuds for up to 800 of Melbourne ’ s busiest corporate crowd a day . Owner Georgia Samuel opened the business with a very clear marketing strategy in mind – she would not engage in paid advertising , which she felt would devalue the brand , but would instead rely on cost-effective social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook to grow the business .
‘ Melbourne has a very particular culture and the marketing that works for hospitality and food is generally word-of-mouth style marketing . If a business is offering a quality product , it will get people talking so naturally , this is the best form of marketing .’
Georgia has stuck to her plan the past two years and she has only been using social media platforms to engage with different audiences interested in the business . She uses Facebook and Twitter to promote the daily menu to her followers . Last winter the interest on Twitter led to a double page write-up in the Herald Sun about Famish ’ d ’ s soups . Since then , Famish ’ d has been voted best for soups , salads and lamingtons in Melbourne on a number of different blogs . Recently , Georgia has had the Facebook and Twitter logos printed on all Famish ’ d packaging . ‘ Since we added the logos , we ’ ve noticed a marked increase in the number of followers on both Twitter and Facebook .’
Georgia states that it is very important to try and make the posts creative and fun to read for the followers . ‘ We often post photos because they generate greater interest from our followers and we try to be creative , we only post what we as customers would like to read .’ And the team at Famish ’ d is careful to remember that social media isn ’ t just a marketing tool ; it ’ s a way of engaging the public with the business and its staff .
‘ I see Twitter as a way of creating a personality for the business ; it ’ s about letting the customer see behind the scenes .’