3 . LJ Hooker
LJ Hooker Nerang wanted to drive more leads online but found it challenging . Real estate in Nerang is fiercely competitive . In a city where home buyers and sellers have a menu of real estate offices to choose from , LJ Hooker knew it was critical to position the LJ Hooker Nerang brand as a trusted leader in the market . After getting the Nerang office consistently ranked on the bottom of the first page of Google search results for keywords like “ real estate nerang ,” the office needed help getting LJ Hooker ’ s trusted brand in the top of search results including relevant keywords . The office made use of Google AdWords to gain the position they wanted . “ Our natural position was on page 1 , and we wanted to be on top . That ’ s important to me , that we ’ re top of mind , and not in the bottom half of page 1 , and certainly not on page 2 .”
With over 269,917 impressions ( ad views ) generated to date , LJ Hooker Nerang is now positioned as a leader and trusted brand in the local Nerang market . According to the office , these ads provide one more “ touch point ” to reassure leads .
“ With regards to online , Google AdWords is the biggest lead generation tool we have . Now I can see it was worth giving a go , and we haven ’ t looked back .”
4 . Shoes of Prey
The online custom shoe design company Shoes of Prey has had massive success with the use of Google AdWords . As the company expanded internationally , it created new AdWords campaigns targeted at English-speaking countries with currencies they could process . They used AdWords location-targeting to show ads in new locations : Canada , Ireland , New Zealand , the U . K . and the U . S .
“ Despite being based in Australia , it took only a matter of days for our first orders to start coming in from the other side of the world . It was exciting to see !” Currently , about 10 percent of Shoes of Prey ’ s shoe sales come from AdWords customers — and about 40 percent of those sales are from international buyers .
“ We time specific AdWords campaigns to target each of these events . Mother ’ s Day is on a different day in different countries , so AdWords lets us run ads at different times of the year for the various countries , and edit the ads so they speak to users in those countries . For example , we ’ ll mention the price of our shoes in euro in Ireland and in dollars in the U . S .”
With AdWords the team behind Shoes of Prey have been able to share their passion for custom shoes with international customers who share their love for customization .