Get Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review PDF eBook Book Free | Page 17
And by eliminating any Cheat Day fat gain, you’ll easily increase your rate of fat
loss by 25%--which is precisely what the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet is all about.
Principle #5—You must maintain muscle mass to maintain metabolism.
This ties back in to some of the information I shared in Principle #3, the strategic
combination of diet & exercise for optimal results, along with something else I
haven’t fully touched on yet.
When faced with long-term calorie restriction, the body will choose to utilize
muscle tissue for energy over body fat, leading to significant muscle loss and
decreased metabolism for most dieters. Simply put, fat is more valuable to your
body than “extra muscle” when it comes to survival, and it prioritizes accordingly
in the face of long-term calorie restriction.
But, when you understand how to combine strategic Cheat Days along with high
volume training to spark muscle growth even while you’re dieting, then you’ll
easily be able to maintain (if not gain a couple pounds) of lean muscle throughout
the 25-day Xtreme Fat Loss program.
Muscle = metabolism. The more lean muscle you have on your frame, the higher
your metabolism is going to be.
Muscle burns calories just sitting there.
Maintaining it as you lose fat is fundamentally important to continuing to lose fat
at an optimal rate.
Another way this program helps you maintain muscle is via Principle #1 –
keeping your body happy. When your body remains in a “normal” state (instead
of a “red alert” state like with long-term calorie restriction) over the course of a
diet, there is no reason for it to resort to muscle tissue for energy. By keeping
leptin levels high week after week, you maintain your metabolism and program
your body to continue to burn fat, not muscle.
2010 Joel Marion Fitness Solutions LLC and XtremeFatLossDiet