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Now, the latter scenario is obviously WAY better than sticking to the same
boring, strict diet every day while achieving slower results, but it still leaves a half
pound of fat gain resulting from the Cheat Day, which, if eliminated = faster
Have no worries, I’ve got another trick up my sleeve to do just this. ;-)
Within muscle tissue, energy is stored in the form of glycogen (carbohydrate
energy) and triglycerides (fat energy).
With strategic training, these energy
stores can be depleted or exhausted.
Why would you want to do that?
To make “room” for an influx of calories, carbohydrate and fat (for example, a
Cheat Day)!
When glycogen and triglyceride stores are full, a Cheat Day is like pouring more
liquid into an already full glass. Some of that liquid is inevitably going to spill over
and lead to a bit of a mess (in this case, fat storage). But, if you dump out the
glass and then refill it, there’s no “overflow”.
This is exactly what we do by performing glycogen and triglyceride depleting
lactic acid training (while limiting carbohydrate intake) on the day prior to a Cheat
Day. We empty the cup making room for the following day’s influx of cals, carbs,
and fat.
The result? You get the same hormone-boosting, metabolism stimulating effect
from the Cheat Day without the fat gain. Instead, the excess calories and carbs
simply go to refilling your body’s empty energy stores. That, my friends, is what I
call strategy.
2010 Joel Marion Fitness Solutions LLC and XtremeFatLossDiet