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Action Steps :
1 . Wear clothes that fit snugly against your hip and waist so that your curves do the talking for you .
2 . Practice jutting your hip out slightly to accentuate the curves in your body . Practice in front of a mirror .
3 . If you don ' t see curves when you look in the mirror , consider whether it would be worth it to you to lose some weight ( and get healthier in the process ).
4 . Browse some celebrity magazines and look for a longer hair-style that you could live with . Cut it out and keep it to show your hair professional as you grow your hair longer . It really does make a big difference by erasing the androgynous effect of a short hairdo ( even cute ones ).
5 . Do anything you can to improve the health of your hair and skin . Use moisturizers and consider using biotin to thicken your hair . It ' s 3000 mcg of biotin that many women I ' ve worked with have had great success with . Nature ' s Bounty ' Skin , Hair , and Nails ' is a good product to go with for the 3000 mcg of biotin . Thick , healthy hair is very attractive to men of all ages .
6 . Think about the way you interact with your boyfriend . Think about the way you spend time and interact with new dating partners . Do you do or say things that could cause him to feel smothered ? Think about ways to communicate your willingness to participate in enhancing his freedom .
7 . Watch for times when a man gets quiet , grumpy , or seems to pull away . When this happens , there is a good chance he is feeling unloved because of the way men equate love and respect . You may have done something that seems normal to you , inadvertently causing him to feel disrespected .
8 . Go watch our presentation on the respect principle to get a better understanding of the variables at play .
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