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THE BETA SWITCH: THE NEW STUBBORN FAT SOLUTION FOR WOMEN What’s The Beta Switch? It’s a process in your body that takes you out of fat-storing mode and makes it massively easier for you to get rid of stubborn fat. You see, there are two types of receptors in your fat cells that either speed fat loss or slow to completely stop it. The type that speeds fat loss and gets you back to your sexy self faster is called beta-receptors. Think beta for your Bodacious Bod! The type that slows fat loss, laughs at your hard work, and keeps you fat is called alpha-receptors. If your alpha receptors are active, you’ll store more fat. Men and women have these receptors, but women have up to 9 times more of the fat storing alpha receptors in their stubborn lower body fat areas! While you’re probably relieved that it’s not your fault for hanging on to stubborn fat, that doesn’t make the fat go away. It takes very specific techniques to kick your beta receptors on so you can lose fat. However, if you can flip the switch and turn on your beta receptors, you’ll lose fat f aster. And you’ll do it without starving yourself or doing hour after boring hour of cardio. In fact, once the beta receptors become active, you can lose fat at the same calorie and exercise level you were gaining fat at with the alphas. Pretty neat, eh? Not to mention that you get to have a daily indulgence ‘treat’ and a couple of ‘splurge’ meals each week as part of the techniques you’ll lose to drop fat. So, as you can see, you want to flip on the beta switch. 8