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THE BETA SWITCH: THE NEW STUBBORN FAT SOLUTION FOR WOMEN Yet despite its ubiquity and toxicity, BPA remains entirely without safety standards. It is allowed in unlimited amounts in consumer products, drinking water, and food, the top exposure source for most people. The lack of enforceable limits has resulted in widespread contamination of canned foods at levels that pose potential risks. For instance, analysis of our tests reveals that for one of every five cans tested, and for one-third of all vegetables and pastas (ravioli and noodles with tomato sauce), a single serving would expose a pregnant woman to BPA at levels that fall within a factor of 5 of doses linked to birth defects — permanent damage of developing male reproductive organs.” Thankfully, there are many products on the market now that are BPA-free, particularly in baby bottles and feeding utensils. The fact that these companies have gone to great lengths to avoid using BPA, and advertise the fact very clearly on the packaging, shows that this toxic chemical is indeed a big issue. I was appalled to find out only recently that the spring water bottles I have been using for years are full of BPA! And this is from one of the largest water bottlers in the country. And yes, I found and now use a company that doesn’t use BPA. I can’t stress enough how important it is to know what products are safe and what products are potentially hazardous to our health and our waistlines. We need to be aware and informed, and I’ve made it my business to make sure that you are! 3. Liver Dysfunction Have you ever stopped to consider how important your liver is for fat loss? Excess weight is a symptom of liver dysfunction, and not solely due to the number of calories you consume. The liver is one of the main filtering organs in your body. It filters out the toxins and poisons we’ve just talked about and excretes them from your body. It’s also the furnace and ‘energy factory’ of your body. If the liver does not regulate fat metabolism efficiently, it will lead to weight gain. 31