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Human herpes virus 1 Human herpes virus 1 ( HHV1 ) is also known as herpes simplex virus 1 ( HSV1 ). It is typically the cause of cold sores around the mouth . HHV1 can also lead to infection in the genital area causing genital herpes usually through oral-genital contact , such as during oral sex .
HHV1 infections are contagious and are usually spread from skin-to-skin contact with an infected person through small breaks in the skin or mucous membrane . The HHV1 virus is more likely to be spread through things like sharing eating utensils , razors , and towels from a person who has an active lesion .
Human herpes virus 2 Human herpes virus 2 ( HHV2 ) is also called herpes simplex virus 2 ( HSV2 ). It typically causes genital herpes , a sexually transmitted infection . However , it can also cause cold sores in the facial area . Like HHV1 , the HHV2 infection is contagious and is spread by skin-to-skin contact . The main route of transmission is through sexual contact , as the virus does not survive very long outside the body . If you have been diagnosed with genital herpes you may not experience any notable symptoms . The herpes virus can remain dormant in your system for a lifetime . Once infected HSV2 resides in the nerve cells at the base of the spinal column .