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Much of the interest in hydrogen peroxide waned in the 1940's probably as a
direct result of the growing interest in easy to administer pharmaceuticals
Since that time there has been little economic interest in funding peroxide
research. After all, it is dirt cheap and non-patentable which basically means
that the drug companies can't profit from it.
Even with the consistent discrediting and cover-up’s there have still been
around 8000 medical reference articles written & published in medical
journals relating to hydrogen peroxide & its therapeutic uses over the past 25
Thousands more, involving its therapeutic use, have appeared in alternative
health publications. The number of conditions helped by hydrogen
Peroxide is astounding.
The reported dangers and side effects of using hydrogen peroxide are very
few & infrequent, which is more than can be said for most of today's drugs
(even the over the counter variety)
So let’s get to the reason you purchased this publication in the first place. The
only method which actually gets rid of herpes.