So what is Herpes Treatment & why don ' t you know about it ? The method is most commonly known as either Ozone or Oxygen therapy & to cut a long story short it works . Of course I would say that wouldn ' t I . I don ' t expect you to just accept my statement of '” It works ” as being gospel .
I ' ll explain why it works in just a moment . But before I do that let me tell you why you don ' t already know about Oxygen Therapy & why your doctor won ' t tell you about it .
Call me sceptical if you like , I will let you draw your own conclusions but here are the facts as I see them ( yes this is just my opinion ). Ozone was first used in a health care setting in 1856 to disinfect operating rooms and sterilize surgical instruments .
Over the preceding years ozone was used more and more & was reported to be effective in the treatment of just about everything ( See below )
Oxygen therapy in one version or another was huge right up to the 1940s , about the time that prescription medication started to become commonplace . Now you could argue that the 40s is a long time ago and medical science has come a long way since then . Could it just be that today ' s drugs are far better than a treatment method that was popular between WW1 & WW2 ?