Bricks and Clicks: A company that inetgrates both online and offline
Click and collect: free delivery to collect in store
Gross Domestic Product: the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
Communication: Using different mediums to exchange information.
FAD: Fashion craze that is short lived
RRP: Recommended retail price
Turnover: how much money a company is making through sales
MARCOMMS: marketing and communication combined
Skills: to do something well
Symbollic relationship:
one thing that can't survice without one another
Duty: Tax paid to the government on items you bring into the country
Multi and Omni channel retailing: buying indifferent ways, using channels in a customer experience
GVA: Gross Value Addedis the meausre of value of goods produced in an area
Lead time: the time it takes for goods to travel
Export: sending goods to another country
Vendor: a company offering something for sale