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The Rana Plaza was an eight-story building that collapsed on the 24 April 2013. The building contained clothing factories, a bank, apartments as well as several shops that were all destroyed within seconds. It was said that the upper four floors had been built without a permit and the building was meant to be built for shops and offices – not factories.

At the time of the building collapsing it was confirmed that there were 3,122 workers working in the building. The research showed that approximately 2,500 people were injured including a total of 1,129 people who were killed. This was known as the deadliest accidental structural failure in the modern history. The saddest part about the collapse was the fact that the people involved were more upset about them not having an income to keep their families alive than anything else.

The horrific tragedy left millions of families in a further debt than they were originally. Due to this thousands could not eat and eventually would die. Although there were no advantages of the accident, the Rana Plaza collapse did eventually bring the world’s attention to worker safety issues and the human costs of cheap, fast fashion, resulting in some reforms to Bangladesh’s garment industry.


Fashion style 09

rana plaza collapse