I found it difficult to start from blank to make a magazine because I do not know how they are supposed to look off by heart. When I was doing my Joomag at the beginning I had to have magazine in front of me when I started so I could try and understand the lay out that I was trying to achieve. The reason I started my Joomag late is because I didn’t Know how to use it, I now do and I now know that it is very easy. Although I do with that I typed everything out on word first so I would not have to stress so much during the end. All in all, I think I completed my Joomag very well to a good standard. I did enjoy doing it and I think it was a helpful task because I learned a lot of valuable things. Whilst doing my articles I found out things I dint know before, also when I was doing my news stories I found out what was going on in the world of fashion.
I found this assignment very difficult because we had to juggle two assignments at once. The joomag and sketch book. As well as this we had to do our smart targets and research folder. I found it difficult to get on top of all the work. When the sketch book assignment got handed in I found it a lot easier to get on with my Joomag. It was more easy because I had a lot less to think about and stress about. The last few Weeks I have been very stressed because of the assignments and other things that are going on in my life at the minute. Now I’m finished my Joomag I realise it wasn’t as hard as it seemed and I think I could have got it done a lot quicker than I did. If I were to change anything about my Joomag I would have started a long time ago so I would not have to stress as much at the end of the assignment. I would also more all my pages look a lot more like a magazine. Honestly,