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CORE CONCEPTS AND MARCHING ORDERS • Learn new tricks and ideas you can use in your relationship. • Become a better rounded and more interesting person. Also, dating lets you use a concept called “Social Proof.” I don’t have room to go into a ton of detail on this, but the core idea behind social proof is that human beings tend to emulate the action of what other human beings are doing. If a bunch of people are looking up and you walk by, you’ll probably look up. If you see enough testimonials in a diet ad from people saying they lost 400 pounds eating nothing but HoHos, you’ll be more likely to try the diet. And if enough OTHER people seem to find you attractive, interesting, and sexy, then your ex is more likely to do so, as well. (This is why I’m generally a proponent of “positive flirting” and “posi- tive jealousy” even when you’re in a relationship. Another woman find- ing your man attractive actually reflects POSITIVELY on you, and vice versa.) Core Concept #4: You WANT Your Ex. You Don’t NEED Your Ex. Neediness is a major turnoff. I talked about this is the “Forgiveness” section, but it’s worth repeating: if you want your ex back you really need to LIKE YOURSELF first. You need to think of yourself as a worth- while person, a “great catch,” and someone your ex will be lucky to be with. Much of the work you’ve done so far is about figuring out WHY you want your ex back and what kind of great life you can build together. The key word there is “WANT.” You should WANT your ex back (otherwise why are you reading this?). But you shouldn’t NEED them. Before you start to “Text Your Ex Back,” spend some time with yourself. Join a gym. Eat better. Take care of yourself. Take up some hobbies. Get a better haircut. Only by loving yourself can you present yourself as someone your ex should love, as well. 25