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Introduction but you can’t figure out how to reach it. A lot of men I know who are considered experts in this field – popular authors, well-known dating coaches, famous pickup artists – aren’t as successful as they’re telling you and they’d like you to think. It’s because they set out with the wrong intentions and found themselves victims of the limitations of the glass ceiling. They started out thinking “I’m going to learn how to pick up a hot chick,” and now that they have that ability they’re stuck in meaningless relationships with different women, pretending to be happy, cheating on the people they’re seeing. They can’t move their relationships forward and girls leave them as soon as they see there’s no substance to them. Instead, they’re forced to constantly bounce from woman to woman. I’m sure some of you think that that doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all, and hey – if that’s what you want, that’s what you want! I’m ...whatever your true intention is, I not here to judge or tell you how to live your life. But make sure that guarantee you’re going to fulfill it. really is your true intention, because whatever your true intention is, I guarantee you’re going to fulfill it. I’ve taught thousands of men from all walks of life. I’ve taught guys who were just out of high school, I’ve taught guys who were over 70 years old. I’ve taught guys who are married, guys who are single, guys who are recently divorced, guys who just came out of a relationship. I’ve taught guys who are in a relationship how to make their relationship stronger. TheTaoOfBadass 7