Survive the End Days
The cage itself , which can take the form of any shut shape , can be conductive , or it can be made of a non-conductive material , ( for example , cardboard or wood ) wrapped in a conductive material ( for example , aluminum foil ).
There are two ways in which you can build a Faraday cage :
Option 1
Step 1 : Cover your items in tarp , cardboard , paper , followed by several layers of plastic wrap . This step is necessary to electronically insulate your devices . If you skip this step and jump directly to wrapping your devices in tin foil , you will inadvertently create an antenna for the electromagnetic pulse , and you will find yourself unable to use any of your electronics , later on .
Step 2 : Wrap your electronic devices in aluminum foil . Unless you plan on using a second layer of protection against the EMP , then wrap the items around in 5 layers of aluminum foil . The thicker the foil , the better the protection it will provide .
Step 3 : Last , but not least , insert the wrapped items into a galvanized steel casing , such as a trash can , for example , but make sure you tight seal the lid , in order to prevent the EMP from damaging your devices . However , before inserting the items into the trash can , use cardboard to line the metal trash can around . If the tin foil touches the metal , the levels of protection will be reduced and your Faraday container will be rendered ineffective against the shock wave . If you cannot use a metal enclosure , then you can also follow the steps listed below .
Option 2
Step 1 : Wrap a wooden box that comes with a lid in a 24 microns thick tin foil . Wrap both the box and the lid in aluminum foil and secure it in place with duct tape .
Step 2 : Use a thick cardboard to line around the wooden box , but also duct tape some cardboard on the inside part of the lid .
Step 3 : Place the gadgets inside the box and put the lid on . If you do not have cardboard , then you can
Figure illustrating the making process of a Faraday cage replace it with rubber or heavy plastic .
If the device has an antenna or any batteries , remove them and put them in a separate container . If you leave them inside , you will find your gadgets completely ruined . Why is that ? Because the batteries will still act as energy conductors ( attract the EMP ) and destroy
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