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Survive the End Days There you have it! The final radio has excellent performance, pulling in weak stations, and preventing nearby strong stations from overwhelming the weak ones next to them on the dial, which makes it one of the best devices for a survivalist. 1. DIY Faraday electronic devices Cage: Protecting your Faraday cages are named after the English researcher Michael Faraday, who created them in 1836. A Faraday cage is a tight fitted case that has scientifically been proven to protect your electronics. If you are thinking about purchasing one in the store, prepare to be outraged, as was I, as those lying weasels will sell a Faraday Cage for $1,500! What is the point in buying one, when you can build it with your own two hands? All in less than 10 minutes. But if you don’t have the money to buy it, nor the intention to build it, then remember this: A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. (Proverbs 10:4) ) Rich in the biblical sense, as you will achieve great peace of mind. Or would you rather torment yourself with that nasty “what if (I’ve done this and that?) question?” To make one yourself, you have to use a hermetically sealed box, with an electrically conductive external layer - preferably made out of steel. Why is this external layer so important? Because it will create opposing fields, by absorbing and then rejecting the external EMP current, thus protecting what is inside the box. 40 | P a g e