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You may notice the fear trying to make a comeback, i.e., something terrifying,
like a fearful thought crossing your mind. Don’t worry. This is just the winding
down cycle of the anxiety. Don’t let it engage you. Observe it as before, like
looking at a cloud passing overhead in the sky, and let it go. Remember,
observe and don’t react. Remain firm and continue to observe your mind and
body. Rest in the knowledge that whatever comes your way, you can handle it.
Let that be your daily mantra.
“I can handle any situation life throws my way.”
In the beginning you will probably find it hard to believe in yourself to demand
more as panic attacks may have eroded some of your self-confidence. This is
only natural—you may find yourself asking for more and then immediately
running with your hands in the air. Don’t let any setback worry you. Practice and
practice. If you do not get a result straight away, keep at it; the more you use
this technique, the more you will see how empowering it is. In time, you will
reach a point where you feel a panic attack approach, and will genuinely
welcome it with all your mind and body. You will truly understand that there is
nothing to worry about. You will mentally shout out to your anxiety to come in—
but by then, it would not. Have you ever noticed that when you are feeling
relaxed you cannot make yourself have a panic attack no matter how hard you
try? Nor can you force yourself to be wildly ecstatic or terribly gloomy. No
matter how hard you force it, you cannot make your body have a panic attack.
Now you know the reason why. Moving towards fear eliminates the source of its
You may probably be thinking, “No way! I’m not asking for more panic
sensations, knowing my luck, that’s exactly what I’ll get, and it will finally push
me over the edge and finish me off.” You fear that if you do in fact ask for more
fear, more anxiety, that the request will antagonize and create more problems
for you.