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Your fear has no option but to retreat. You are allowing it no room to manoeuvre. It can help to demand more in an aggressive manner. The sensations, of course, are unpleasant and nobody is trying to pretend they are enjoyable—but that does not have to stop you from fully experiencing them. In fact, you have always fully experienced them but this time you are a willing participant. What you are doing is stating with confidence to yourself and your body that you are capable of experiencing these and any amount of increased anxiety that may come your way because you know the truth. There is nothing to fear. Insist on more. Fear does not know how to handle this request; it is completely confused by this new response, it has no option but to collapse in on itself and dissipate. Fear feeds off fear; you are extinguishing the fuel on which a panic attack is driven. It now has no struggle, nothing to feed on. For extra measure (as the fear wanes), silently say to your fear, “Is that the best you can do?” Invite it to come back! “Stay, have you nothing else to terrify me with?” As it leaves—which it will—wish it well as it leaves your body and again keep the invitation open for its return. You need to be welcoming of the anxiety to return in order to eliminate lingering thoughts of an unexpected return. When done correctly, the results of this technique are instantaneous. You will immediately feel the turning point and the parasympathetic nervous system, which we spoke of earlier, coming into action and restoring calm. It is like you have walked out the other side of fear with a new confidence. There was no abyss, no cliff you went tumbling off. All of it was nothing but a series of physical sensations. 26