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Chapter 3
The “One Move”
We are all aware of how terrifying a panic attack can feel. Our minds race with
the possibility of a mind and body out of control. We put to use every coping
mechanism we have, and when they fail, we feel vulnerable and alone with a
myriad of confusing bodily sensations and terrifying thoughts.
Let me share with you my insight into panic attacks that turned my life around—
from a life of fear into one of courage and true confidence. The technique is
subtle and yet I want you to give it careful consideration, as it has not only
completely eliminated panic attacks from my life but also the lives of many long-
term sufferers. It differs from every other treatment of anxiety disorder that I
have come across, in that it tackles the very core of anxiety and panic attacks.
The traditional approach to dealing with anxiety disorders is flawed. People are
continuously taught to cope in order to “beat” their anxiety. Coping techniques
are numerous and prescribed or taught like “weapons” to overcome the
dangerous assailant that is the “panic attack.” Even the term “panic attack” is
suggestive of battle and conflict. Panic attacks are described as the outside force
that wants to see its sufferers defeated and left feeling isolated. The real truth of