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quite distressing as it often leads to the individual believing that some
permanent damage has been done to their brain, causing these sensations. A
typical manifestation of this is when the individual may be having a conversation
with someone and suddenly feels alarmingly isolated and removed from the
situation. Once the sensation arises it can be so impactful that it takes days to
leave the eerie feeling behind and stop thinking about it.
I mention this because the condition is not often spoken about, and to reassure
those of you who may have experienced this sensation, that it is only a side-
effect of excessive anxiety and will pass as soon as the body learns to relax.
Once the body returns to normal and has the opportunity to dispel some excess
chemicals produced by the adrenal glands, then this unusual sensation will
dissipate. Give it time, and these feelings will subside as you move from a life of
anxiety to a more tranquil one.
We have looked at the common characteristics of panic attacks. Now, let’s look
at how we can defuse the panic.