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instead of fat gain. This is done for both your training and non-training days.
Keeping it simple, it all comes down to giving your body what it needs WHEN it
can use it and not giving it excess fuel when it can’t use it!
Just remember, everything about the SMM and the way it customizes your
nutrition is done for a reason and is important. Whether it is a training day or not
you need to follow your nutrition provided to experience the maximum effects of
this system.
You are almost ready to jump right into this advanced, evolutionary, physique
exploding system!
Just take a couple minutes and watch the video tutorial provided on the
download page that goes over the features of this easy to use system.
Also, in the tutorial, I will show you how the “Transformation Tracker” works. This
is a great feature that will track your progress and make sure you’re on a steady
pace to a new head turning physique!
Thank you very much for taking that leap of faith and trusting me to help take
your physique to the next level! You are in for an awesome journey and I’m
honored to be a part of it!
Kyle Leon.
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