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women decided to remove breast weight from their shoulders permanently because
they were now pain free! Interesting.
But bras do have their place in society. It's considered part of a professional
appearance, they provide support, prevent sag, and even help eliminate that
discomfort from sweat that collects from under the breasts. You know what I'm talking
Dress code aside, breast sagging is still inevitable as we've already discussed.
We have been so brainwashed by the mass media of the perfect airbrushed breast
and tend to feel inadequate.
No matter how much money you spend on the latest, most powerful and
comfortable bra or the bra that does everything including make toast, you're still
going to have sagging breasts at the end of the day. There just isn't a bra out there to
stop it. There's no stopping gravity. There are even two studies that state wearing a
bra may actually cause the breast to sag more than by not wearing one. How is that
OK, so do bras do anything useful or am I just wasting my money? Let's look at
what we know about bras thus far:
Breast sagging has a medical term called breast ptosis. Breast ptosis is a made up
disorder that literally means “sagging breasts”. There's the old saying that 'The
French have a word for it' meaning they can give a name to anything. That's
probably why a Canadian came up with ptosis. Canada is partly French.
While we're expanding our knowledge base and vocabulary, let's talk about the
upper and lateral portions of the breasts. It's called the tail of Spence. Try working
that into conversation at your next cocktail party. By the way, why is Spence?
Going back to bras, after much research, there seems to be zero evidence that
bras prevent sagging. By the way, I'm tired of writing breast ptosis at this point so
it'll probably stop showing up. I keep feeling like every time I look naked in a mirror I
need to get a prescription for penicillin. Anyway, we've scoured the medical
journals and have found nothing. Zip.
Bras originated in 1863 as an alternative to corsets. Corsets were used to make the
waist skinny and the breasts appealing as a standard of 19 th century beauty. They
also has this tiny side effect of not being able to breathe. Thus the bra was born.
They still enhance the female form, but in a less restrictive way. By the way, a man
i nvented the bra. Figures.
Bras have always been billed for their health benefits, even today. When Luman
Chapman submitted his patent for the first bra, he stated that his breast supporter