Get Healthy Tips Volume 1 | Page 16



Should you choose to accept it, is to ...

At some points within our lives, we will encounter and have to manage many scenarios that are both mentally and or physically challenging. This may be in the form of a stressful situation at work, within your marriage or some other relationship, a major imminent loss, a setback or stagnant delay in your personal development, to list a few.

While our bodies often adapt relatively quickly, our mind at times, breaks irreparably or is stretched into painful negative states. It is at these times, that our unforgettable challenges alter and redefines our persona for life. Preparation through gaining knowledge and exposure as well as having early professional and experienced social support are the proven best ways to overcome these challenges in more positive ways and with less mental strain.

The value of this challenge is the part it will play for providing you with priceless preparation to help you to experience your happiest and most joyous life possible.

1. Register for the challenge and get connected to

one of the listed mental wellness professionals

[psychologist] in the the provided list

2. Complete the provided mental wellness related assessment

- emotional intelligence (EQ) and personality trait

• Once you know your score, then you may want to

improve on it!

- Share your score with one of the listed psychologist

- optionally - you may set up plan to do so with supported

tracking and follow up with one of the psychologist

3. Build or improve on your social support groups

• If you like what you have achieved or learnt, you may

want to help other improve on theirs

- Refer another to do their assessment and be connect

with the psychologist to grow your support groups

- optionally - sharing pictures, experiences,

interpretations and lessons learnt online

4. Smile and enjoy accumilating the wellness points that you

will receive within your GHJ account, by the nominations for

them given to our EMS wellness team from your interacting


When you have reached the needed accumulated wellness points tallies your sweet rewards are here waiting. It doesn't get any easier than that to have your relaxing escape that you desire!

1. Be within the first 3 to be nominated by any of the listed

psychologist as attaining the challenge goal of

1,000 wellness points

- entitle you to your pick from this month's rewards

- others may use their earned wellness points earned

to redeem available rewards through the monthly

auctions or other rewards store items

2. Be apart of the largest or most active social support

group or network formed or joined [ validated by

psychologist listed]

- earn a bonus 500 team wellness points

- entitles the first to share it to this month's team rewards

3. Special bonus points and merit rewards are there for:

1. First to achieve 1,000 wellness points

2. Greatest results i,provement changers

3. other as nominated by your interacting psychologist

Can’t wait to see the amazing change that you will make!

Value of this Challenge to you

Your mission

The simple steps and milestones

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to: 'Rise to the occasion', by reaching and attaining 1,000 wellness point in the shortest time from the start of this journey of guided self-exploration.

This will be among the easiest of challenges -not a sweat should fall from your brow- offered by our wellness team and a quick means of earning some sweet initial wellness points towards your future redeeming of your desired fabulous rewards.

Though simple, it will be your most powerful asset for mental strength development as well as a tool that will serve you well many time throughout the rest of your life.

How and what to win