P a g e | 39
Why you should listen to me
Without tooting my own horn , I wanted to do a quick section about why you should listen to me when it comes to preselling . Because I think it ‟ s important that you have faith in the techniques you ‟ re going to learn . I mean , I know that I ‟ d be much more likely to implement techniques if there was proof that they ‟ d worked in the past .
Now , I know you probably believe me anyway , but it ‟ s nice to have a bit of proof once in a while anyway , to really reinforce what I ‟ m talking about .
These statistics represent the month of January 09 and show my three best converting Clickbank sites at the time .
For those who aren ‟ t familiar with Clickbank ‟ s analytics page , the 4.5000 represents that for every 4.5 people who clicked my affiliate link , one bought the product . Pretty amazing when you think that the average conversion rate on the net is about 1 / 100 .
So , as you can see , while I do have my shortcomings , when it comes to preselling I really know my stuff .
Note that a 20 % conversion rate is rare ( Only three of my sites achieve that – you can see two of them in the screenshot ) but I wanted to show you what is possible if you master preselling .
And the good news is that preselling ‟ s not hard . If you follow the guidelines set in this chapter then you ‟ ll be well on your way to achieving conversion rates like that too .
IMPORTANT : Changes in 2.0 to the preselling technique .
The next few paragraphs are just notes I ‟ ve added in for 2.0 . Okay , so in the original guide I taught people what was frankly , a bit of a “ gung ho ” way of doing it ...
Sure , it converted great , everyone made lots of money ( and don ‟ t worry you still will ).
But the methods and writing techniques needed some editing in order to be in line with the new FTC ( Federal Trade Commision ) laws which came out shortly after I initially wrote Google Sniper .
Make no mistake , today , these changes are a very important addition to Sniping .
© 2011 Google Sniper 2.0