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It's Not Your Fault
Most food especially seen in the western civilization are bombarded
with genetically modified organisms and growth hormones which
makes people get fatter much faster.
The fad diets and the weight loss advertisements you see on
television are only exacerbating the issue.
For example most weight loss pills are packed with dangerous
additives such as the below:
Concerning ingredients to watch for:
Ma huang/ephedra/ephedrine/pseudoephedrine – Ma huang, a
species of ephedra, frequently contains ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine, which can affect the nervous system and result in
high blood pressure, increased heart rate, irregular heart rhythm,
heart attack, stroke or death. Ephedra has been banned in the U.S.
Bitter orange/synephrine – Bitter orange contains a chemical
called synephrine, which is similar to ephedra and can cause
increased heart rate, headaches, vomiting, insomnia, high blood
pressure, fainting, heart attack and stroke.
Sibutramine – Sibutramine is a powerful stimulant that may
significantly increase the risk of heart attacks, arrhythmias or
strokes, in addition to causing a long list of side effects.
It was removed from the market in 2010. Several weight-loss drugs
have been found to be illegally spiked with sibutramine.
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