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5. Do this now before proceeding on. Go to my Facebook page and let me know you have completed these 5 simple steps. This is a behavior and habit of the 3%. Ok, I need you to read my next statement very closely and carefully. You are not going to believe this... As a matter of fact I might get into trouble but let me tell you the real deal about fitness infomercials and the industry itself. Do you remember those Sunday nights after all the partying, drinking and hanging with friends you find yourself sitting on the couch thinking about the next work day? And then it happens, you see the fitness infomercials of the so called experts telling you to purchase their fitness program. But not just that, they persuade you with testimonies and before and after pictures and convincing stories that will force anyone to make an emotional buying decision. Check this out: After doing my research I found out that they actually HIRE a group of people who would like to lose weight and go through their fitness program (their results will be used for the infomercial of course). They take pictures, record videos and gather all the material to make a... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!! A LATE NIGHT FITNESS INFOMERCIAL! A late night sales video designed to cajole you into purchasing yet another DVD program that you will only use for a week!! IF THAT! page| 20