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5 Steps You Need To Do NOW!! 1. Take a second and think about why weight loss is so important to you. Why are you REALLY doing it? I want you to think hard for a second before answering. By the way, it is ok to be vain. I do it because I LOVE the attention and I LOVE looking at myself in the mirror! Now write down the reason that makes you smile, (keyword is SMILE) and put it in your wallet and your purse. 2. After you write your reason, write GET FIT WITH PASSION at the end of it (this will make more sense after 30 days) 3. Now, go to your computer and Google search someone that you deem to be physically attractive (I longed to have The Rock's physique, I even have his pic for inspiration on my bedroom wall) and post it on your mirror so you can see it every time you enter the bathroom and exit the shower. 4. Finally, find an accountability partner, someone who will hold you accountable, maybe someone like me, Wes! Or, a super positive friend. This is what I literally do full time, I don’t only design 7-minute workouts, but I am there to get you going and keep you motivated during the first 30 days of starting this process. I am going to be in your ear, in your email, on your Facebook page every day until your body is hot enough to lay close to butt naked on the beautiful beaches of Miami! I am relentless! page| 19