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0BChapter 1—Introduction
Preparing Mental Ground
At this stage you must ask yourself: How important is it for you to get your
face clear? Are you willing to make the effort and achieve this once and
for all?
As you go through the book, you will notice that eliminating your acne is
temporarily a demanding process, which requires some level of persistence
and change. You will have to alter your eating habits, replacing old and
familiar routines with new ones, minimizing or giving up foods that are harmful
but gave you lots of satisfaction at the same time. This may not be easy, but is
it worth it? My answer is absolutely, positively yes!
The truth is that from where you are probably standing right now, it will be
hard to blame you for thinking (as you go through the book), “What is he
talking about? Giving up on sugar completely? He must have gone mad. I'm
not going to give up my life for clear skin!” Well, that is just how every
addictive person would react when offered a way out. Yes, including myself.
We are all chained by addiction to fat, sugar and all sorts of junk foods and
eating habits that promise great fulfillment and satisfaction, making us believe
we are helpless or emotionally empty without them. Only when you pass
these addiction obstacles and alter your ways can you see from a distance
how futile the whole thing was … how meaningless. Yes, you will minimize the
consumption of white sugar, and you will eat a lot of raw, fresh vegetables and
fruits instead. And guess what, nothing will change. You still find happiness,
fulfillment and satisfaction, and it does not concern food! You have achieved
something. You are a far more balanced and in control human being. You are
free, and best of all, your skin looks fantastic.
Going to that place of freedom from acne and from mental slavery to food and
eating habits requires a certain mental change. You have to prepare the
mental ground that will help you overcome your fixations. To adjust to this new
lifestyle you may need to adapt in order to lead you successfully through the
Besides having willpower, which is the most vital tool you will need as you go
through the plan, there are other mental tools you should take with you on this
journey to clear skin.
2003 - 201 2 A c ne N o M or e- M ik e W a l d en -
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