German Haircare Market Growth and Research Report German Haircare Market | Page 9

Table 25: Germany Perms & Relaxers Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2012 Table 26: Germany Shampoo Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2012 Table 27: Germany Shampoo Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2012 Table 28: Germany Styling Agents Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2012 Table 29: Germany Styling Agents Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2012 Table 30: Germany Conditioner Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2012 Table 31: Germany Hair Colorants Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2012 Table 32: Germany Perms & Relaxers Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2012 Table 33: Germany Shampoo Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2012 To Get Full Report Click Here @ Table 34: Germany Styling Agents Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2012 Table 35: Germany Haircare Private Label Consumer Penetration (% Consumers Using), by Category, 2012 Table 36: Germany Conditioner Consumer Penetration of Survey-tracked Brands and Private Label (% Consumers Using), 2012 Table 37: Germany Hair Colorants Consumer Penetration of Survey-tracked Brands and Private Label (% Consumers Using), 2012 Table 38: Germany Perms & Relaxers Consumer Penetration of Survey-tracked Brands and Private Label (% Consumers Using), 2012 Table 39: Germany Shampoo Consumer Penetration of Survey-tracked Brands and Private Label (% Consumers Using), 2012 Table 40: Germany Styling Agents Consumer Penetration of Survey-tracked Brands and Private Label (% Consumers Using), 2012