German Haircare Market Growth and Research Report German Haircare Market | Page 8

Table 8: Germany Haircare Value Share (%) by Wealth Groups, 2012 Table 9: Germany Haircare Value Share (%) by Busy Lives Groups, 2012 Table 10: Germany Conditioner Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2012 Table 11: Germany Hair Colorants Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2012 Table 12: Germany Perms & Relaxers Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2012 Table 13: Germany Shampoo Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2012 Table 14: Germany Styling Agents Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2012 Table 15: Germany Total Conditioner Value (Euro millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2012 Table 16: Germany Total Hair Colorants Value (Euro millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2012 Table 17: Germany Total Perms & Relaxers Value (Euro millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2012 To Get Full Report Click Here @ Table 18: Germany Total Shampoo Value (Euro millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2012 Table 19: Germany Total Styling Agents Value (Euro millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2012 Table 20: Germany Conditioner Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2012 Table 21: Germany Conditioner Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2012 Table 22: Germany Hair Colorants Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2012 Table 23: Germany Hair Colorants Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2012 Table 24: Germany Perms & Relaxers Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2012