German Haircare Market Growth and Research Report German Haircare Market | Page 6

6.1.4 Perms & Relaxers 6.1.5 Shampoo 6.1.6 Styling Agents 7 Consumption Impact: Market Valuation 7.1 Haircare Value Impact of Consumer Consumption Behavior 7.1.1 Market Value by Category 7.1.2 Market Volume by Category 7.2 Haircare Value Analysis by Category 7.2.1 Market Value by Category 7.2.2 Expenditure per Capita by Category To Get Full Report Click Here @ 7.2.3 Expenditure per Household by Category 7.3 Haircare Volume Impact of Consumer Behavior Trends 7.3.1 Market Volume by Category 7.3.2 Consumption per Capita by Category 7.3.3 Consumption Per Household by Category 8 Retailer Choice and Category Share 8.1 Retailer Volume Share by Category 8.1.1 Retail Share by Volume - Conditioner 8.1.2 Retail Share by Volume - Hair Colorants 8.1.3 Retail Share by Volume - Perms & Relaxers 8.1.4 Retail Share by Volume - Shampoo 8.1.5 Retail Share by Volume - Styling Agents