German Haircare Market Growth and Research Report German Haircare Market | Page 5

4.1.4 Shampoo 4.1.5 Styling Agents 4.2 Consumer Profiles by Product Category 4.2.1 Conditioner 4.2.2 Hair Colorants 4.2.3 Perms & Relaxers 4.2.4 Shampoo 4.2.5 Styling Agents 5 Brand vs. Private Label Uptake 5.1 Brand vs. Private Label Consumer Penetration 5.1.1 By Category To Get Full Report Click Here @ 5.2 Haircare Brand Choice and Private Label Consumer Penetration 5.2.1 Conditioner 5.2.2 Hair Colorants 5.2.3 Perms & Relaxers 5.2.4 Shampoo 5.2.5 Styling Agents 6 The Share of Consumers Influenced by Trends 6.1 Trend Drivers of Consumers' Product Choices 6.1.1 Overall Haircare 6.1.2 Conditioner 6.1.3 Hair Colorants