German Haircare Market Growth and Research Report German Haircare Market | Page 3

Shampoo is the most valuableHaircare product in the German market, followed by Styling Agents and Hair Colorants. Perms &Relaxers have the smallest share of the market at less than 4%. Haircare distribution in Germany is fragmented, with the Three largest retailers of Haircare products accounting for 60% of the market. Private label penetration in the Haircare market in Germany is relatively low, with private labels most successful in Styling Agents with 18% penetration rate. The only two other categories where penetration exceeds 10% are Shampoo and Conditioner. 1 Introduction 1.1 What is this Report About? 1.2 Definitions 1.2.1 Consumer Trends 1.2.2 Consumer Groups To Get Full Report Click Here @ 1.2.3 End Consumers 1.2.4 Volume Units and Aggregations 1.2.5 Exchange Rates 1.2.6 Population Profiles (for interpretation of tables and charts) 2 Methodology 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Initial data are based on a large scale, international program of online consumer surveys 2.3 Demographic groups tracking provides time series data 3 Consumer Segmentation, Group Value and Trend Influence 3.1 Cohort Groups and Haircare Market Value