German Haircare Market Growth and Research Report German Haircare Market | Page 12

Figure 2 : Germany Haircare Value Share (%), by Age Groups , 2012 Figure 3 : Germany Haircare Value Share (%), by Gender , 2012 Figure 4 : Germany Haircare Value Share (%), by Urban and Rural Dwellers , 2012 Figure 5 : Germany Haircare Value Share (%) by Education Level Achieved Groups , 2012 Figure 6 : Germany Haircare Value Share (%) by Wealth Groups , 2012 Figure 7 : Germany Haircare Value Share (%) by Busy Lives Groups , 2012
Figure 8 : Germany Conditioner Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group ), 2012
Figure 9 : Germany Conditioner Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group ), 2012
Figure 10 : Germany Hair Colorants Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group ), 2012
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Figure 11 : Germany Hair Colorants Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group ), 2012
Figure 12 : Germany Perms & Relaxers Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group ), 2012
Figure 13 : Germany Perms & Relaxers Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group ), 2012
Figure 14 : Germany Shampoo Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group ), 2012
Figure 15 : Germany Shampoo Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group ), 2012
Figure 16 : Germany Styling Agents Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group ), 2012
Figure 17 : Germany Styling Agents Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group ), 2012
Figure 18 : Germany Haircare Market Value ( US $ million ), by Category , 2012 Figure 19 : Germany Haircare Expenditure Per Capita ( US $), by Category , 2012